Thursday, September 4, 2008

"We got a code Gustav!"

To Rebuild or to Leave?
Original article by, Damien Cave

Right when people started getting used to living in their homes in New Orleans, another disaster happens; Three years ago it was Hurricane Katrina, now its Hurricane Gustav. Most people had tried to deal with Katrina, but some up and left afterward. Now after Gustav has hit, some of the people who thought it impossible for another hurricane to hit them so soon, if ever, are now wishing they'd left when they could have. Some have come to the conclusion that it's two hurricanes within four years is too much to handle, so those people are packing their things and leaving. Others are staying put. Hobbes would believe this to be the perfect example of defending your human rights of life, liberty, and property. He believed that since you were born with these rights, you should defend them to the best of your ability. My thought is that if you look at these events through Hobbes' eyes, the people leaving are showing that they have defended their right of property as much as they could and the people staying are showing they can defend their rights better, and more effectively than those who fled. . .

Or at least will be trying to.

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