Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hit the road, Jack!

Abramoff Is Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison
Original Article written by, Neil A. Lewis

Last Thursday Jack Abramoff was sentenced to four years in prison, as the title of the original article states. He is being sentenced because of his corruption and tax offenses that were uncovered unknowingly during a case investigation under other charges. He had originally been sentenced to 11 years in prison because he fraudulenty persuaded Indian tribes across America to donate an estimated $66 million to Michael Scanlon, an indpedendent PR consultant and spokesperson for Tom DeLay who was a House Representative from Texas at the time. These "gifts" may have seemed to be blessings for the recieving end, but for the Indian tribes that the money was taken from, it is a violation of their natural and human rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I say this is a violation because in taking their money, Abramoff had caused the suffering of many families and children across the nation. I personally, wouldn't stand for that; I would have made sure that the eleven year sentence was kept in place, if not lengthened due to the incredulous crime commited by this man, Jack Abramoff.

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