Thursday, September 18, 2008

Dear Federal Government...

What are you guys gonna do about this stock market crisis? Are you gonna sit around and do nothing? Or are you gonna step in like you did with the crisis not too long ago with Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac? I think you should do the former.

I say this because if you look at how things played out during, and after the Great Depression, nature settled things out by itself. Sure it took a while, but it got settled eventually. Through time and perseverance, people stuck it out and pulled through and even though a lot of people ended up homeless, more people kept living comfortably.

Another point I would like to make would be that inflation is undeniably one cause of this crisis. And all that the government needs to do is print less money. Sure that would cause more of a deficit than there already is, but in the long run, it will be much better for this country because our dollar will be a lot stronger than it was before. The amount that our dollar has dropped is appalling.

This is, completely and undeniably, an Anti-Federalist standpoint for a country that relies so heavily on strong Federalism ideas. Be that as it may, I see it as the only way to recuperate from such a heavy blow to our economy.

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