Thursday, September 18, 2008


EDITED: 06 October 2008
Confusion Rules Road In and Out of Galveston
Original article by, Alan Feuer and Thayer Evans

Hurricane Ike really took a toll, not only on the cities and states it hit, but the people of said cities and states. In Galveston, Texas, the mayor Lyda Ann Thomas, had said that citizens could go into the city under a "look and leave" policy from six a.m. to six p.m. but was quick to go back on her word due to the massive volumes of people coming in; They simply could not handle the amount. In other words, people were turned away from their homes. This, as I see it, is a violation of man's natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If you can't go home, you are being deprived of the right of the pursuit of happiness. How can you be happy, if you aren't allowed to see your home? Although desperate times call for desperate measures, people should be allowed to go homes, if they are still in a condition to be seen.

Constitutional Crisis

In the recent past, there has been one Constitutional crisis, in which politicians have not been following the rules laid out in the constitution, that has stuck out to me. That crisis happened during the Bush administration in which Bush had been wanting to go to war so bad that he circumvented the Constitutional rules and powers given to Congress of declaring war. He had tried to go through the United Nations to see if they would back the U.S. in a war in Iraq; They denied him. So he goes to Congress asking for the rights to go to war and in return he would have the U.N. back the U.S. in war. Congress understood this to be a sound statement, so they signed off on it; They gave him the power to declare war against Iraq. Bush then, instead of going to the U.N. for backing, went straight to war with Iraq. This to me seems as an infraction of Constitutional powers and rules for each of the three branches of government.

Dear Federal Government...

What are you guys gonna do about this stock market crisis? Are you gonna sit around and do nothing? Or are you gonna step in like you did with the crisis not too long ago with Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac? I think you should do the former.

I say this because if you look at how things played out during, and after the Great Depression, nature settled things out by itself. Sure it took a while, but it got settled eventually. Through time and perseverance, people stuck it out and pulled through and even though a lot of people ended up homeless, more people kept living comfortably.

Another point I would like to make would be that inflation is undeniably one cause of this crisis. And all that the government needs to do is print less money. Sure that would cause more of a deficit than there already is, but in the long run, it will be much better for this country because our dollar will be a lot stronger than it was before. The amount that our dollar has dropped is appalling.

This is, completely and undeniably, an Anti-Federalist standpoint for a country that relies so heavily on strong Federalism ideas. Be that as it may, I see it as the only way to recuperate from such a heavy blow to our economy.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Get to the Chopper!"

Powerful California Union Seeks to Recall Governor
Original article by, Solomon Moore

The influential prison guards union of California congregated and filed a formal notice on Tuesday stating that they would try to pursue a recall election for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. The union would have to collect $3 million to $5 million and roughly one million signatures for a special recall hearing that could easily double the cost. Schwarzenegger officials say that the union was just using it as a tactic of intimidation, but the union says that effort is about Schwarzenegger's overall style of leadership not about any specific issue such as salary negotiations. This is a perfect example of an Anti-Federalist Government. Anti-Federalists believe in having a weak central government and each state has their own strong government. The people aren't happy with the government of their state, so they choose to impeach their governor's leadership, and they have a right to. Even though this country has a strong central government, we have a right to our own opinion whether it be one of federalist ideals or anti-federalist ideals.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

"We got a code Gustav!"

To Rebuild or to Leave?
Original article by, Damien Cave

Right when people started getting used to living in their homes in New Orleans, another disaster happens; Three years ago it was Hurricane Katrina, now its Hurricane Gustav. Most people had tried to deal with Katrina, but some up and left afterward. Now after Gustav has hit, some of the people who thought it impossible for another hurricane to hit them so soon, if ever, are now wishing they'd left when they could have. Some have come to the conclusion that it's two hurricanes within four years is too much to handle, so those people are packing their things and leaving. Others are staying put. Hobbes would believe this to be the perfect example of defending your human rights of life, liberty, and property. He believed that since you were born with these rights, you should defend them to the best of your ability. My thought is that if you look at these events through Hobbes' eyes, the people leaving are showing that they have defended their right of property as much as they could and the people staying are showing they can defend their rights better, and more effectively than those who fled. . .

Or at least will be trying to.

Hit the road, Jack!

Abramoff Is Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison
Original Article written by, Neil A. Lewis

Last Thursday Jack Abramoff was sentenced to four years in prison, as the title of the original article states. He is being sentenced because of his corruption and tax offenses that were uncovered unknowingly during a case investigation under other charges. He had originally been sentenced to 11 years in prison because he fraudulenty persuaded Indian tribes across America to donate an estimated $66 million to Michael Scanlon, an indpedendent PR consultant and spokesperson for Tom DeLay who was a House Representative from Texas at the time. These "gifts" may have seemed to be blessings for the recieving end, but for the Indian tribes that the money was taken from, it is a violation of their natural and human rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I say this is a violation because in taking their money, Abramoff had caused the suffering of many families and children across the nation. I personally, wouldn't stand for that; I would have made sure that the eleven year sentence was kept in place, if not lengthened due to the incredulous crime commited by this man, Jack Abramoff.