Thursday, December 4, 2008

Neptune's Navy Response

"Who is 'right' in the controversy involving whaling and the Sea Shepherd?"

I believe that Watson is more at fault in this controversy. The whalers aren't in violation of any international environmental regulations because they are, "technically complying with the rules of the I.W.C., and that to stop it one must first upset the status quo that permits the fleet to hunt whales." Watson, however, is breaking regulations as stated by this quote from the text: "When I described Watson’s use of the charter to David Caron, the co-director of the Law of the Sea Institute, at the University of California at Berkeley, he said, 'Clearly wrong. There is no ambiguity.' " Although Watson feels he is working to fight against something he feels is wrong, he is actually digging himself into a deeper grave than he already is.

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